Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A passing thought

“Happy Birthday, have a wonderful year ahead!”, I wished my friend. Hot summer night called me on the terrace for some cool breeze. After a walk, sat on the bench looking at the beautiful moon with the gathering of stars around.

What a wonderful time we spent together, I thought remembering my friend whom I just wished. Gosh! She completed 26 yrs today which also means I am 26 yrs old next month!..... As usual, the same question I asked myself “What have you done in these years”. A voice inside me proudly said you grew up as a princess, completed your academic education, working for a prestigious company, have a wonderful husband and a sweet family. What else you want? Yes, what else I want, I asked myself. After a couple of minutes the other voice inside me said ‘Don’t you think everybody or rather many atleast have these? These are all gift of God and nothing special about you. But, “What have you done that others have not done?” The first voice justified that ‘you have done everything that needs to be done at your age, what else you need to do”? The second voice again asked the same question “What have you done that others have not done?”

Hmmm, the second voice always has a valid point. Many-a-times it asks me the same question but I am afraid, I don’t have an answer yet. Hope I will find the answer some day and sooner the better!

1 comment:

Aham Brahmasmi said...

Nice thought and lot of depth…  u now inspired for my musing tomorrow….after long time.. even since many days I have been seeking answers for few questions of mine.. what have I done and what am i… what is this life all about… lot of questions..

You rock kano…. U go deep with simple thoughts… that’s ur talent… 