Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Trainosaur, our friendly Dinosaur!

Drawing by Achal Rao - 5 years old.

Hello, My Dear Smarty Pants!

Come along with me to know more about Trainosaur, our friendly Dinosaur!

We always want to visit fun places, right? Imagine how much fun it is to ride on our own favorite Dinosaur. Yes! we can do that with our Trainosaur.

He is a big Dino and everybody loves him. He is what most of us want to be 'Always Helpful'. Whether you want to reach school in time or want to go on a play date, our Trainosaur will be there to pick you up.

He lives beside the mountains, with the nature. He has a bumpy back, pointy tail and 8 wheels!. He can travel both on rail-road and road. He has a special body part on his head which acts like a chimney.

So, next time you meet a Trainosaur, just hop on to enjoy your Ride!. Who knows, you may meet T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Diplodocus or any of your other favorite Dinosaur.

Last but not the least, remember, modern day trains were later invented and named after our Trainosaur!

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